Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Janet Richman

Welcoming Back Chicago NATO Protesters, May 22, 2012, West Side Church
Photo: Stacy Lanyon

I wasn’t going to go down because I don’t like crowds. I’m a nurse, and I can’t get a job in a hospital because the job market is terrible. I found out that there was a hospital in the park, so I thought, “I’ll go be a nurse in the hospital in the park.” I went down there, and everyone was very accepting, so I stayed. I really liked the energy in the park. It was really a nice community. I liked all of the working groups. I would go down and get an extra sweater from comfort. Kitchen would bring meals to us. I thought, “Even if this does nothing, this just shows that another way is possible.” Nobody spent any money. Everything was just donated. There were a lot of used things going around. I felt like it was a real community based on sharing.

The Occupy movement is putting a voice to the inequality of wealth in our country. It is bringing it up in conversations where it never had been brought up before. I often hear on the radio, “Oh well, what about the Occupy Movement?” It is really bringing a face to the inequality in this country and the world.

I hope it brings about a world where people are interested in community and sharing and not amassing the wealth. I’d like it to bring us back to when we were in communities, where we did share and weren’t so isolated from each other. I’m hoping it distributes the wealth and that we become more community minded as opposed to self-centered.

Interview by Stacy Lanyon